JSS Tripler merupakan salah satu sub program dari JustBeenPaid yang diluncurkan pada tanggal 17 Februari 2011 tahun lalu.
JSS Tripler adalah Bisnis Online Investasi yang memberikan Profit 2% setiap senin - jumat, 1.5% setiap sabtu dan minggu dengan total profit 150% selama 81hari. Setelah 81hari setiap kelipatan 4posisi jsstripler yang sudah mature akan dapat 1 JSS matrix senilai $60 ( tambahan 150% lagi utk upgrade member ) jika cycler( makanya disebut Tripler ( 3xlipat / 300% )
Alasan kenapa Anda bergabung bersama JustBeenPaid (JBP). JBP memiliki sistem “RESTART" yaitu sistem Revolusioner yang dapat membuat JSS-Tripler dapat bertahan lama dan belum pernah ada pada BO dimanapun. Saya yakin Anda mencari sistem investasi Bisnis Online (BO) yang Aman dan Safety.
Bukti JustBeenPaid / JSS Tripler yang semakin booming. Alexa Rank naik terus dan member yang bertambah setiap saat.
Investasi di JSS
1. Investasi minimal $10 saja.
2. Jangka waktu investasi tiap posisi hanya 81 hari ( termasuk hari sabtu dan minggu )
3. Profit tidak terpengaruh dengan fluktuatifnya profit perusahaan, Profit Anda TETAP 2 % perhari senin-jum'at, 1.5% sabtu-minggu.
4. Profit anda akan diupdate di member area setiap hari
5. Total profit selama 81 hari 150% bagi free member, dan yang mau upgrade bisa mendapat profit 300%
6. Anda bisa membeli Posisi kapanpun anda mau tanpa menunggu hari ke-81
7. Profit harian yang anda dapatkan bisa langsung dipakai untuk membeli posisi baru ( compound ) tanpa harus menunggu hari ke-81.
8. Untuk memaksimalkan pendapatan anda, lakukan compounding ( reinvest / membeli posisi baru dari profit ) setiap mendapatkan profit $10.
9. Anda bisa menarik / withdrawal penghasilan anda kapanpun jika sudah mempunyai minimum $20 dan maksimal proses 3x24jam
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JBP Feeder FAQ
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Note: You don't have to understand the intricacies and complexities of the JBP Feeder system to succeed with JBP. The minimum you need to do to succeed with JBP:
1. Join JBP by opening an account;
2. Set up and fund your AlertPay/libertyreserve account;
3. Upgrade in JBP by making your $5 and $15 payments;
4. Enter your AlertPay/LibertyReserve email address in the JBP Member Area;
5. Buy and/or sponsor downline members.
Q. Where will all these referrals to buy come from?
A. The JBP principals have large lists to promote to. They also have several websites that attract considerable traffic, to whom JBP will be promoted.
Some major marketers are promoting JBP, and some of their referrals are made available for purchase by other members.
There's a "50% rule" -- after a member's 3rd sale, 50% of his or her personal referrals can be bought by other members. A recruiter is paid the purchase price -8% (to cover fees) for any of his or her referrals purchased by someone else.
JBP also has a mechanism to limit the total number of referrals that can be bought during any particular day. If the number of open orders for referrals bought goes up faster than orders are being filled, then this mechanism can be used to prevent the number of open orders from growing too fast.
Q. How do you know that all the 10 people will upgrade? What If I upgraded but they don't upgrade?
A. In practice, more than 50% of Feeder members eventually upgrade. If nobody from the first 10 below you upgrade (which practically never happens), then 100 more will soon join in your powerline, and many of them will upgrade.
Q. I have 91 people in my feeder downline, When I purchase referrals, do they come from my feeder downline?
A. They most likely will. However, it's also possible that some will come from your feeder upline. This may happen if you upgrade before some people in your feeder upline.
Q. Can you list the main problems solved by JBP and its Feeder system?
A. Yes:
MARKETING. About 98% of wannabe online moneymakers fail. A main reason is that success typically requires marketing: persuading prospects to buy something and/or to join and pay for something. JBP and its Feeder make it unnecessary for members to market in order to get into profit. No sponsoring requirements.
UNDERSTANDING. Typically, "98%ers" don't understand enough about any program they join to succeed with it. They may be able to succeed in a job where a boss tells them what to do. But online, where they have to think for themselves, and are subjected to virtually infinite choices, they tend to quickly get lost. JBP and its Feeder include an "Automated Guide" that tells people the next step they need to take.
RISK & MONEY MANAGEMENT. There are "passive programs" that enable people to make money without marketing. Typically, to make significant money with these programs (in the absence of marketing), members need to risk their capital. Most 98%ers lack the understanding to succeed, particularly of risk and money management. Members can start with JBP with less than $50 and never need to risk more.
TIME. Many 98%ers spend a lot of time trying to make money online. They are typically confronted with infinite choices of what steps to learn and take. JBP's "Automated Guide" gives a member a simple instruction, such as: "Your next step is to buy an additional downline member. Click here to do so now!" Members don't have to spend time learning things. They don't even have to understand how JBP works!
GETTING PAID. With most online programs, members are dependent on the company to pay them. They sometimes have to wait a month or more to get paid. They often have to submit withdrawal requests. Sometimes company owners "run with the money." JBP's member-to-member payment system means no waiting to get paid. Also, the company has no admin load associated with payouts to members.
RESIDUAL INCOME. JBP has two mechanisms to faciliate members earning residual income. First, members make renewal payments every three months. Second, potentially each member on your first level passes up his/her third sale and every 10th sales to you. These mechanisms make the sustained growth of residual income possible.
ATTRITION. Many moneymaking programs suffer from most new members dropping out within a month or two because they fail to make the programs profitable for them. With JBP, you need to get just two people on your first level to get into profit. You can buy these two members for just $5 each.
Q. If I buy a referral, who do I pay?
A. You can order one or more referrals at a time -- up to five per week. You pay JBP Admin when you place your order.
When you receive a purchased referral (as part or all of of your order), The JBP system automatically pays the person who recruited the referral. Making the payment is an automated part of the JBP Feeder system. The amount paid is the purchase price minus 8% (to cover transaction fees).
Q. If my order to buy referral(s) isn't filled within a reasonable period, can I get a refund?
A. Yes. If your buy order has not been filled after 30 days, you can request and receive a refund of the purchase amount.
Q. Can you tell me in more detail how the JBP Feeder works?
A. The following rules are applied:
Until a recruiter has made his first 3 sales, all his or her referrals are treated as "reserved." After a recruiter has made his first 3 sales, 50% of his or her referrals are treated as "reserved" and 50% as "unreserved." This means that after your first 3 sales, 50% of your referrals become available for other members to purchase.
"Autoreserve" is how the JBP Feeder works. The JBP system will automatically reserve the maximum number of your referrals in accordance with the rules above and below. When "reserved referrals" upgrade, their recruiter will be their sponsor (except for the recruiter's third sale, and every tenth sale, which are passed up). When "unreserved referrals" upgrade, they may be used to fill "referral buy orders." If unreserved referrals upgrade, and there are no outstanding "referral buy orders," they are treated the same way as reserved referrals.
When a reserved referral decides to upgrade, he or she does so under his or her recruiter -- except for the recruiter's third sale and every 10th sale, which are passed up to the recruiter's sponsor.
If an unreserved referral decides to upgrade, he or she makes the $5 payment to JBP Admin, becomes an "upgrader," and may then be used to fill an outstanding referral buy order.
Unreserved referrals who upgrade may be used to fill referral buy orders. If there are no outstanding buy orders, then unreserved referrals will join JBP with their recruiter as sponsor (except for the 3rd sale and every 10th sale, which are passed up).
75% of unreserved "upgraders" (referrals who have started the upgrading process and have made the $5 payment) are used to fill buy orders of members who don't yet have their first 2 sales.
Remaining unreserved upgraders are used to fill other buy orders on a first-come-first-served basis.
The purchase prices to buy referrals are specified as follows:
Q. How many referrals can I buy?
A. Up to 5 per week.
Q. If I buy some referrals during a particular week, and I want to buy more during the following week, do the prices start at $5 for the following week?
A. No. Suppose you buy 5 referrals (cost $45). Then, the following week, you want to buy 5 more. The cost will be $95 (#6: $15; #7-#10: $20 each).
Q. Can a JBP free member (one who has not yet upgraded) buy referrals?
A. No. You should first upgrade by making the $5 and $15 payments.
Q. Should a JBP free member start promoting JBP?
A. No. You should first upgrade by making the $5 and $15 payments.
Q. As an active recruiter, why should I give up 50% of my referrals (after the first three) for others to buy?
A. First, it's quite possible that as a result of the Feeder design, you will sponsor twice as many people (or even more) as you would in the absence of the Feeder. If this is so, you actually gain by giving up some of your referrals.
Second, you're paid for your referrals purchased by other members -- you're paid the purchase price -8% (to cover fees).
Third, the Feeder greatly increases the chances of the longterm success of both the JBP program as a whole, and your downline members, earning you more money in the long run.
Fourth, the Feeder greatly increases the chances that members on your first level will make their third sales and pass them up to you, increasing your earnings in the long run. This also applies to your first-level members passing up every 10th sale to you.
The "altruistic" design of the Feeder -- making it very easy for new members to get into profit -- is intended to be in everyone's personal interest, making JBP more successful for all its members.